4 ways EMR increases patient retention

Have you treated a patient once and never see them come back for the next appointment? The patient was treated well by you and your staff also served the patient with total care. This is not uncommon and happens quite often to practices and eventually you start to lose your patients to some other clinic.

The key here is to make patient experience more relational and less transactional. Accessing and communicating increases retention and brings you closer to your patients through various touch points. Look at how our EMR software (CloudClinik) can be used to increase your patient retention rate.

  1. Scheduling

Staying on schedule is one of the major (probably one of the biggest) factors in retention. There is a clear message of indifference when people have to experience long waiting times.  Our EMR gives doctor the autonomy to design their schedule and keep track of daily work plan. The scheduling not only prevents no shows but also automates your work flow.

  1. Appointment reminder

A lot of times your patient set up a second appointment but doesn’t show up. Patients are liable to forget. CloudClinik lets you save future appointment details of the patients. The feature allows administrator/ doctor at the clinic to send emails/SMS to the patients close to their due dates. An appointment reminder establishes a recall system for the clinic. It also reflects that you value your patients’ time.

  1. Patient profile

CloudClinik lets doctor maintain & view a patient portal. Doctors can access previously advised medication, allergies, test details, prescribed medicine and more. Often due you to missing prior record, doctor can’t treat and even accurately diagnose the ailment. The patient portal lets doctors provide quality treatment to the satisfaction of the patient.

  1. Patient reports

Growing a practice is just like growing any other business.  Just like a business needs analytics to understand where they can improve, the patient reports in CloudClinik lets doctors survey their patient base and review their monthly performance. The feature presents patient appointment status statistics summarizing the number of patients seen, the number of no shows and missed appointments. The features helps identify the reason for attrition/patient fall off and lets you fix in time.

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