5 Benefits of CloudClinik EMR that accelerates your practice

  1. Quality of patient care is improved: With a digital repository of patient’s information found in one place unlike paper records that tend to go missing, care providers benefit from ready access anywhere and anytime. Not only that, Electronic referrals make immediate follow-up care possible and the doctor to whom the patient has been referred has ready access to the patient’s data. Medical errors are reduced and prescriptions are more reliable/authentic through CloudClinik.

Continue reading 5 Benefits of CloudClinik EMR that accelerates your practice

Fatima Group takes employee care to the NEXT level with CloudClinik Employee Medical Records


CloudClinik, in its campaign to become the most reliable healthcare IT vendor in the country has added yet another feather to its cap by offering a full fledge Employee Medical Records Software. The software is an extension of its existing Electronic Medical Records and Practice Management cloud based product customized to cater to the requirements of corporate entities which hold the health of their employees in high esteem.   Fatima Group of companies, one of the largest conglomerates in Pakistan, well known for high employee satisfaction levels, is the first company in Pakistan to switch to comprehensive software focused on remotely accessible medical records and ease of use for medical practitioners. Continue reading Fatima Group takes employee care to the NEXT level with CloudClinik Employee Medical Records

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