A published report by Harvard University has concluded that the use of telemedicine has been on the rise in the rural areas. The report published in Health issue in May reports a 45% jump in patient’s use of telemedicine from 2004 to 2014. Another report published by Nemours Children’s Health System showed that 64% of the parents have used or plan to use telemedicine for the treatment of their child. Despite the obvious benefits there is slow acclimation to the use of telemedicine. Continue reading TELEMEDICINE: THE FUTURE OF HEALTH CARE

CloudClinik: World Malaria Day 2017

Every year World Malaria Day is celebrated on 25th April to shed light on global effort to control malaria. Each year on April 25, organizations and NGOs around the world collaborate to raise awareness on malaria prevention and cure. Continue reading CloudClinik: World Malaria Day 2017

CloudClinik – World Tuberculosis Day – March 2017

Tuberculosis is one of the major diseases that Pakistan as a nation fights with every day. According to WHO, Pakistan is fifth among TB high burden countries. Approximately 10.4 million new cases emerge each year globally, out of which approximately 510,000 cases are from Pakistan.

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CloudClinik raises awareness on World Hearing Day March 2017

Did you know hearing loss is associated with the host of other physical and mental health issues including diabetes, dementia, anxiety and depression?  This symptom often goes unacknowledged and untreated which leads to severe health concerns later on.

Hearing loss may signal other important health issues.

Continue reading CloudClinik raises awareness on World Hearing Day March 2017

5 Benefits of CloudClinik EMR that accelerates your practice

  1. Quality of patient care is improved: With a digital repository of patient’s information found in one place unlike paper records that tend to go missing, care providers benefit from ready access anywhere and anytime. Not only that, Electronic referrals make immediate follow-up care possible and the doctor to whom the patient has been referred has ready access to the patient’s data. Medical errors are reduced and prescriptions are more reliable/authentic through CloudClinik.

Continue reading 5 Benefits of CloudClinik EMR that accelerates your practice

Eye care and EMR for quality treatment

Having healthy eyes and a perfect vision is a blessing. We are living in an age where all of us are exposed to things that invariably affect the health of our sight.  Approximately 3.5 billion people today have an eye condition which requires a majority of them to wear glasses (or lenses) for clear vision. And the bad news is that this number is expected to increase to 6.1 billion by 2020. Continue reading Eye care and EMR for quality treatment

Oral Health Care with CloudClinik

Dental care awareness promotes the benefits of a healthy mouth and raises awareness around the importance of oral hygiene. The purpose of writing about oral health is to ignite awareness and take stock of our oral health. General well being of human body has a lot to do with your oral hygiene, after all it is the gateway. Continue reading Oral Health Care with CloudClinik

ClinikTips: Improve Memory by Eating Artichokes

Did you know that eating Artichokes can Improve your Memory? Well, studies show that Artichokes contain Luteolin, which is a phytochemical, which improves spacial memory.

Want to know more about this awesome vegetable. More after the jump!

Continue reading ClinikTips: Improve Memory by Eating Artichokes

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