Electronic Medical Record (EMR) & Health Care Dynamics

Only thing constant about markets today is ‘change’. Therefore, organizational development should not only reflect what is happening today but also prepare to appropriately identify emerging changes in market conditions to best benefit from the opportunities for proper management and growth through change or account management.

The adoption of technology has become a driving engine & developmental solution for all sectors including health care, especially considering the health care management challenges the sector is facing today i.e the increasing prescription errors, communication difficulties between providers and cost of operations.

An EMR is usually adopted for it features like appointments, scheduling & reminders, patient and drug history storage. The literature shows that the virtues of an EMR (Electronic Medical Record) system extend beyond these and that it improves communication dramatically and increases patient safety without increasing cost. An EMR is more than just an electronic diary of patient information (the lab result, allergies, medical graphs, physician notes, pharmacy orders). The recorded information is organized and presented to the physicians and aids in clinical decision making at the point of care. The availability of data at the point of care not only saves doctors time from verifying record or rescheduling but also improves quality of care with correct diagnosis.  The medical facility also benefits from attrition in administrative costs which comes from verifying records and validating patient identity.

The research confirms that 1 in 7 medical facilities delay patient admission because unavailability to patient history at the point of care and 20% of the lab tests are repeated simply because the medical facility or the patient loses it. With an EMR system the facility not only sets the standard for quality care but also reduces the repetition of tasks for the doctor and patients reducing total cost of care per patient.

The EMR system is not your average motor machine that starts pumping results the minute it is implemented. The EMR benefits will only materialize when people & processes work with the technology. Initially this requires all entities at the facility doctors, nurses, and administrative staff to furnish the foundation of the facility. With a little training and learning at the begging the benefits of EMR would be incomparable. Successful integration requires understanding the complexity and dynamics of the system. It is just like when you first learned to use your touch screen smart phone. Once you were hooked, you didn’t want to go back to your old phone.

 CloudClinik is an EMR and a Practice Management system successfully serving customers globally. For more information visit cloudclinic.com & sign up here today for a free demo !

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